New port richey florist does service the local funeral homes such as , Dobies Hudson, Dobies New Port Richey, Grace memorial, Meadowlawn memorial gardens , Trinity Memorial Gardens, Michel and Lundquist, Morgans funeral home, Prevatt funeral home, Faupell funeral home. New port richey florist also services all the local churches and hospitals. We are a family owned shop. More than likely you are going to reach the same person every time. We make it personal and go one step further. If you need a large family to come together at the same time, we will open in the evening for you alone. That way every one gets to be part of it.
Want to do this at your home? we will also accommodate you in your own house to make arrangements for a funeral service or a celebration of life. New port richey florist is THE ONLY florist in the area to offer this service along with our private time evening hours.
We do realize some times it is really hard to get to a place during regular business hours. Thats ok, we can help. Just call us a day ahead of time and we can schedule you to come here after hours or go to you, it is that simple!!
We try hard to be able to accommodate people and their time line to get things done. We know you may have to go to airports and pick people up and all the other time consuming errands that accompany a funeral service or celebration of life. Your mind is not in any one thing and that makes things hard also. New port richey florist can help you plan all of it and make sure all the floral pieces look co-ordinated with every thing , to pull a together look for your service.
Some alone time can help you as well, even if its only a half hour for you to collect your thoughts before you make a decision on what needs to take place. The power of grief is very strong and some times can make you feel overwhelmed with everything going on. It is important that you look out for you as well. If you have people you can maybe delegate certain errands to go ahead and do that. For the most part everyone else wants to help to keep themselves busy as well. Some one can pick up the food and someone else bring the clothing to the funeral home, stuff like that will make them feel useful and you a lot less stressed about all these things!!
As you move forward and everything is done , you will be able to focus on the home and other things that need to be done post service, again please try to recruit some help. It will make it a little easier to have someone around to help you or even just talk with. We all hate this part of life even though we know it will happen one day. Try to keep the best of the memories with you and forget everything else. Please stay safe out there!!